Frigid outside …. but warm and welcoming inside for FPCL’s December Community Dinner

It was 12 degrees outside on the evening of December 26th … but that didn’t keep folks away from FPCL’s December Community Dinner.

27 guests joined us this month with many new faces- including a group of Veteran’s who sat together and reminisced

The evening’s menu consisted of Stuffing Casserole with Turkey and Sausage served with gravy, Green Bean Casserole, Tossed Green Salad, Cranberry Orange Salad, Christmas Cookies, Brownies and fresh fruit.  The meal was met by great reviews.

Volunteers for the dinner included college students/graduates who were home for the holidays and wanted to help which included our own head cook’s daughter and son -in-law.  Guests enjoyed a holiday theme including volunteers in Santa hats!

Next month’s dinner we be held on Tuesday, January 30th from 6-7:00 pm.  The menu will consist of:  Spaghetti with Meatballs and Sausage, Herbed Green Beans, Italian Salad, Garlic Bread, Fruit and Handheld Desserts.

Read more about FPCL’s Community Dinner HERE