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To what denomination does FPCL belong?
FPCL is part of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., denomination.  However, at FPCL, you'll discover people are from many different backgrounds (Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, Non-Denominational, as well as those who didn't grow up in the church).  
We consider our relationship to one another as more important than our individual beliefs about God or our political opinions.
How long is the worship service?
Worship is usually a one hour service that includes singing, prayers, reading of God's Word and the proclamation of God's Word.  When baptisms, communion, ordination/installation of officers or other special events, worship may go a little longer.
What should I wear?  
Everyone is welcome at FPCL, and you are encouraged to wear whatever you feel most comfortable in for church. 
For some people that will be a suit and tie, or a dress, for others jeans and a t-shirt.  What we wear is less important than preparing our hearts to engage and interact with God through singing and listening for God's Word for us for today.
Where should I park?
We have spaces marked for visitors in the u-shaped parking lot north of the building.  When no longer a visitor, you can continue to park in this parking lot, utilize the spaces across the street beside Romano's or utilize the parking lot for Arapahoe Community College across Littleton Blvd south of the church.  
What about my kids?  
All of God's children are welcome at FPCL!  We have childcare available for 4 and under, but children are welcome in worship with all their wiggles and giggles or cries and coos!  We have 'worship bags' for children to tangibly engage in worship of God alongside the adults.
How do I get involved?
The more hands the better - if you are interested in joining one (or more) of our mission and ministry activities, please call, email, or visit with one of our pastors.
What worship style is practiced at FPCL?
Worship of God at FPCL is more traditional.  We have printed bulletins to guide our response to God, and hymnals to lead our singing which is accompanied by piano and organ.  Upon occasion we joyfully receive other instruments and soloists.