First Impressions--Youth Ministry

“Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear”

1 Peter 3:15

The teenage years can be a challenging time spiritually for many young people, and so "First Impressions"-- the FPCL Youth Ministry (7th--12 grades), strives to offer a safe space where teens can ask questions, grow in their faith, and enjoy fellowship with one another! Our gatherings combine typically feature food, games, a devotional and prayer time, and then there is always a fun activity to follow.  Some recent events have included going bowling, playing laser tag, enjoying a church lock-in, visiting the Reinke Brothers Haunted Mansion, challenging an Escape Room, and then of course there is our annual Christmas party! Another special time in the life of our Youth Group is Confirmation—when a group of young people takes an extended period of time to explore, articulate, and confirm their Christian belief before formally joining the church. Each confirmand has a mentor who works closely with them, and then they also attend group classes together. Confirmation classes are offered at periodic intervals, based on the interest level and availability of participants. Our most recent group of confirmands completed their training and joined the church back in the spring of 2023. If you are interested in learning more about our Youth Ministry, please fill out the contact form below.

rightnow media picks

February 2025

As Valentine's Day approaches, we continue with our monthly series of staff picks from the RightNow Media library with a selection of videos inspired by God's amazing love. Remember, all of this content is ready to conveniently enjoy from your computer or mobile device.  
Your account is already paid for through the church, so all you have to do is sign up here:  If you have trouble creating your account, or accessing any content, please contact me for assistance!

For youth: “Reckless love”. Teens will enjoy this creative exploration of God's love through some unexpected activities such as ice climbing, sky diving, four wheeling, and skateboarding!  

Sunday Mornings


There are a variety of ways for youth to be involved on Sunday mornings, including helping in the nursery, or serving as an usher or liturgist during the service! 


Throughout the year, many of our "First Impressions" gatherings take place on Sunday afternoons or at other times on the weekends. We send out spring, summer, and fall event calendars each year.

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.