Children's Ministry

"start off children in the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."

Proverbs 22:6

The FPCL Children’s Ministry (Kindergarten—6th grade) teaches the youngest members of our church family the stories of the Bible, helping them to grow in their knowledge of God, and to learn what it means to follow Jesus! We have Children’s Sunday School class which meets at 9am on the first Sunday of the month (the same time as the Adult class) in our children’s “Ocean Room” on the Parking Lot Level. We also organize a variety of special outreach events throughout the year, including Vacation Bible School. Some of our recent events have included an Easter Egg Hunt, sno-cones and outdoor games on the church lawn, mini-golf, roller skating, a trip to a pumpkin patch in the fall, and visiting the Christmas lights at Hudson Gardens in December! Come join the fun as we gather in Christ, learn God’s Word, and grow in faith! If you are interested in learning more about our Children’s Ministries, please fill out the contact form below.

Sunday Mornings

9am--9:45am Children's Sunday School (First Sunday of each month)

Breakfast, a Bible story, and related games/activities.

10am--Worship and Children's Sermon

Children can attend the first part of the worship service leading up to the Children's sermon, and then they are welcome to either stay in church with their families or return down to the nursery area for additional activities. Worship bags are also available each week, and feature a variety of activities to help children stay engaged during the service. 

RightNow Media picks

February 2025

As Valentine's Day approaches, we continue with our monthly series of staff picks from the RightNow Media library with a selection of videos inspired by God's amazing love. Remember, all of this content is ready to conveniently enjoy from your computer or mobile device.  
Your account is already paid for through the church, so all you have to do is sign up here:  If you have trouble creating your account, or accessing any content, please contact me for assistance!

For Children: “Awesome Bible Adventures” helps bring to life some of the most exciting stories from Scripture. Children will be entertained as they learn from the faith adventures of Noah, Moses, Joshua, Samson, David, and more!

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.