
Staff Schedule
Church Office: 303-798-1389
Pastor Jonathan Murray, Minister of Word and Sacrament —Mon.-Thu. 9a-2p, or by appt.
Pastor Blakeley Winslow, Pastor of Christian Discipleship —Mon. 10:30a-3:30p; Tue. 1- 4:30p, Wed. 10a-3:30p; or by appt.
Lydia Cooper, Office Administrator —Mon.-Thu. 9a –2p
Church Office is closed on Fridays – Please leave a message

Emergency Pastor Response Phone Line:  720-662-7277
After hours/Emergency Pastor on call:  whether it is Pastor Jonathan, Pastor Blakeley, or another pastor on-call covering in their absence
Call the Response Line directly at 720-662-7277 or you may call the main church office menu tree (#6) to also reach the Response Line
You may need to leave a message and this message will be sent to the pastor on-call, prompting them to get back to you

Jonathan Murray – Head Pastor, Minister of Sacrament and Word

Jonathan most recently served as Co-Pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church, College Station, Texas, alongside his spouse the Reverend Caressa Murray. They equally shared the responsibilities of preaching in the pulpit, moderating session, overseeing committees and staff, pastoral care, worship leadership, and teaching. As partners in life, ministry, and parenthood, Jonathan and Caressa look forward to following where God leads each of them as they pursue individual calls to ministry in Colorado.

Jonathan has 14 years ordained experience and 21 years of professional ministry. Jonathan graduated from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Austin, TX, in 2008 with a Master of Divinity. In October 2009, Jonathan was called as Pastor to St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Needville, TX, and served until August 2014. He created a ministry for children based on Godly Play, expanded the middle and high school youth program, and led several new mission endeavors and summer trips.

Jonathan was then called by Covenant Presbyterian Church, College Station, TX, as Designated Pastor – a term that describes a two-year contract that can open to an installed pastoral relationship or be dissolved. Through discernment and prayer of Jonathan and the PNC, a new possibility opened for Jonathan and Caressa to serve as Co-Pastors. After 6 ½ years, we clarified the vision and values through the session and a strategic planning team seeking to claim the identity of this body of Christ. When Jonathan began in September 2014, his two children doubled the number of youth and children. When they left in October 2023, the youth group was thriving and the children’s area in the sanctuary was overflowing with young families. During the clergy couples’ ministry at Covenant, the church created new ministries for children, tweens, youth, college students, and for families with young children such as “Kids on a Mission” – a once-a-month Sunday afternoon that puts mission in the kids’ hands through understanding bible stories of what Jesus did to serve a need.

Jonathan has served as keynote speaker at two youth conferences: in 2016, at Junior High Jubilee at Mo Ranch Presbyterian Conference, Hunt, TX, and in 2022, at SYNOD of the Sun Youth Workshop, Tulsa, OK. He was a clergy member of Faith Leaders for Justice Group of Bryan College Station, who work for food security, affordable housing, voters rights, and other justice issues in the community.

Blakeley Winslow –  Pastor of Christian Discipleship

Pastor Blakeley is passionate about building relationships to help others grow in their faith. In the spirit of his favorite verse, 1 Samuel 16:7, he seeks to see others as God sees them!

A native of Montgomery, Alabama, Blakeley majored in history at Vanderbilt University. He later received a Master’s and PhD in Modern British history from the University of Virginia, before answering God’s call into full-time ministry. Blakeley earned his Master’s of Divinity degree at Baylor University’s Truett Seminary. In August of 2014 he moved to Colorado to begin serving on staff with the Christian Challenge campus ministry at CU-Boulder. He later became the director of the Christian Challenge ministry at the Colorado School of Mines in the spring of 2020. He first became connected to FPC Littleton while dating Melissa, and they were married at the church in June of 2019! Blakeley has enjoyed being a part of the church staff since the spring of 2022. He feels very blessed to have the opportunity to serve the FPCL family, in Christian education, pastoral care, and many other ways. His greatest desire is to encourage people in their relationship with Christ, and to share the Good News of the Gospel with those who need to hear it!

In addition to his ministry work, Blakeley also loves spending quality time with his wife Melissa and their friendly pup Milo! Other hobbies include skiing, running, reading, watching Alabama football, and studying foreign languages.

Mary Dailey – Worship Arts Director

Mary brings a wealth of enthusiasm and experience to the Chancel Choir at First Presbyterian Church of Littleton (FPCL). She has been a music teacher and school administrator for 27 years. Mary is well-known in the Denver metropolitan area for her work as a music director for main stage and children’s theatre productions.  She was honored in 2011 with a prestigious Henry Award for Music Direction by the Colorado Theatre Guild.

A native of Iowa, Mary is a graduate of Wartburg College with a bachelor’s degree in music education. Her emphasis was in voice and accompanying.

She also has a master’s degree in Education and is certified as a K-12 administrator in Colorado. She has two sons, Christopher and Matthew.  Mary encourages anyone who has an interest in singing to join the Chancel Choir. You will make wonderful friends, it’s fun and we bring a special joy to the worship services.

KarenKaren Meersman – Director of Children’s Music & Handbell Choirs

Karen Meersman is the director of three choirs at First Presbyterian Church of Littleton (FPCL); the Memorial Handbell Choir (adults), The Tintinnabulation “TNT” Ringers (Senior High Youth) and the Sonshine Singers (1st–8th grade children). Karen is a native of Littleton, graduate of Littleton High School, and holds a K-12 Degree in Music Education from the University of Northern Colorado. Karen, a life-long member of FPCL, has served as an Elder and Youth Director. She has been on the Music Ministry staff for over 17 years, and has inspired a new generation of musical talent at FPCL. Several of the current Tintinnabulation Ringers are children of former Tintinnabulation Ringers, including Karen’s three children. Karen’s creative, positive leadership and inspiring arrangements add to the church’s holy seasons. Karen is also the Music Teacher at Mark Hopkins Elementary School in Littleton, and would love to meet you! She believes that music brings more people to Christ than any other means, and feels very blessed to be at FPCL.

Lydia Cooper – Office Administrator

Phone:  (303)-798-1389

 lund-joanJoan Lund – Financial Secretary

Joan has been the financial secretary for First Presbyterian Church in Littleton since 2013. She’s been providing bookkeeping services for small businesses in Colorado for over 30 years.

In 2009, she decided to put her skills to use for non-profits in the Denver area.  She currently provides monthly financial reviews and statements for several Presbyterian churches as well as various other non-profit organizations and small businesses.

Originally from northern Wisconsin, Joan and her husband Randy moved to Colorado in 1983. They love the natural beauty and active lifestyle provided by living in the foothills.  Their two grown children still reside in the Denver area.

Tracy Eidson – Child Care