Thank you for serving Christ by participating in worship! God has an opportunity to work in you and through you.
Volunteer as an Usher or Greeter for In-Person Worship
If you are interested in becoming a Lay Reader, please let us know.
Download the liturgist template. You are also welcome to customize or write your own version.
Lay Readers
If you are interested in becoming a Lay Reader, please let us know.
Thank you for volunteering to serve as a lay reader for our upcoming worship service.
Please sit in the front row and then join your family after reading.
Each week the preaching pastor provides a proposed Prayer for Illumination and a copy of the Scripture reading. You are encouraged to write your own Prayer for Illumination if you feel comfortable doing so. Download the weekly Lay Reader Script.
It may be helpful to print the reading materials from this link and use them at the podium when you read. Or you may read the Scripture reading from the NRSV Bible. (The blue pew Bible or lectern Bible). Please find the correct page BEFORE the service starts.
Please practice the readings! Slow and loud are important. Please test the microphone for volume before the service – and adjust its height so that you speak into it.
If you are interested in becoming an Usher, please let us know.
We are so excited that you are feeling called to use your gifts and energy in the usher ministry. Thank you! As an usher, you have the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Christ to our guests and members.
Download and read the Usher Handbook to hear about the Biblical Importance of Hospitality, the Identity of an Usher, How to Connect with Guests, and the Checklists detailing the tangible tasks of an usher.
Really the handbook boils down to a handful of duties and a passion for welcoming people and smoothing their path to worship. If that’s you, then you’ll find this to be a simple and joyful opportunity to serve the Lord!
Download the Usher Checklist
Download the Head Usher Checklist