Stock Donations – A Great Way to Fulfill Your Pledge AND Save Money On Your Taxes

Did you know that you can donate appreciated stock to an organization like First Presbyterian Church of Littleton ?  Not only will the church be able to use the proceeds of the donated stock for operations, renovation or other needs that may be specified by the donor.  The donor will be able to deduct the entire value of the donated stock on their income taxes !  In addition, the donor will not have to recognize any gain on the sale of the stock for their taxes as well.  Over the last several years, a number of members of the congregation have taken advantage of this tax planning opportunity and have benefited the church with their generosity.

Several years ago the finance committee reviewed and established the current process that the church uses to handle the selling of stock donated to the church.  The church uses a nationally recognized brokerage firm (Charles Schwab) to handle the sale of the stock, deposit the proceeds to the church and provide the required information for the donor.

Please feel free to contact our financial secretary, Joan Lund in the church office or John Ansted (Elder-Finance Committee) if you have further questions.