On Monday, August 5, our group welcomed 3 “puppy raisers” and their adorable puppies to learn about the adventures of raising a guide dog puppy. Following a beachball toss “getting to know you” game, and ringing the bell from the bell tower, our kids and caregivers enjoyed a snack of Chex “puppy chow” and pretzel […]
Adventures with Grandparents Kicks Off!
On Monday, June 24, our small but mighty group had a wonderful time getting to know each other, learning about and ringing the church bell, meeting the crew of Engine 11 of South Metro Fire Rescue, and playing outdoor games! Five grandparents and 5 children refused to let the heat of the morning dampen their […]
Faith Leaders of the Old Testament
Join us each Sunday at 8:45 a.m. for a Sunday morning Bible study “Faith Leaders of the Old Testament” where each week we study a new leader of the Bible. That Sunday’s sermon at our 10:00 worship will also involve the same leader. 6/23 – Abraham 6/30 – Jael 7/7 – Samuel 7/14 – Samson […]
Ash Wednesday Worship February 22, 2023 – 7:00 pm
Pastor Bill Johnson preaching Why do we Celebrate Lent?
“Button Up Your Overcoat” – Pastor Bill Johnson
All Church Retreat – January 6, 7 & 8
7 Practices of Effective Ministry Friday: 6pm-9pm Saturday: 9am-4pm Sunday: 12pm-4pm The Goal: To teach and engage the Leadership of FPCL in learning and applying the 7 Practices as shared in The 7 Practices of Effective Ministry, by Andy Stanley, Reggie Joiner and Lane Jones
The Scottish Tradition of Kirkin o’ the Tartans
The Presbyterian Church is steeped in Scottish tradition as it was developed in the 16th century by John Knox. “Kirk” is the Scottish word for “church.” Tartans, with their distinctive plaid, represent specific Scottish clans, regions, or regiments. The “Kirkin’ O’ The Tartans” is the presentation of a Scottish family’s symbol, its tartan, at church […]
“Haven’t you any fish?” by Pastor Bill Johnson
Special Adult Education Opportunity Sunday, August 28, 9:00-9:45am
Kingdom Worker John Altemus, will be at FPCL on August 28 to share his experiences in Southeast Asia. Please come down to Ficklin Hall at 9am to hear John’s stories and testimony of spreading of God’s word. He will share about his mission and answer your questions. How is God at work in our world? […]
Introducing Our New Interim Pastor…
Pastor Bill’s 40-year career… After recommitting my life to Jesus in 1974, while a student at Oregon State University, I was actively involved in Campus Crusade For Christ. Feeling called to ministry, I left OSU to attend Bible College in Spokane WA. While attending Bible College in 1981, I travelled around Washington, Idaho, Montana, and […]
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