Spiritual Gifts Class with Pastor Cody – Starts April 29th

Spiritual Gifts Class with Pastor Cody – Starts April 29 from 9:30-10:20am in Ficklin Hall

This class is designed to help you discover the unique way God has designed you to serve effectively in a way that leaves you feeling full of life, not drained and wishing someone else would take over. Over the 5 classes, we will help you discover how God has designed you spiritually, how the Holy Spirit tends to work through you supernaturally, how your personality, talents, skills, and interests influence your ministry, and finally we will try to find an opportunity to serve that intersects as many of those traits as possible. Each week builds on the previous classes, so please sign up in advance and commit to these dates. If you miss, you still have all the materials in this packet. Sign up in the office or email fpcl@fpcl.org