June 7 Community Dinner

Reaching out to the lonely and hungry in our community with good food in a home-like, loving environment.  And as Our Lord modeled, to treat our guests with dignity and loving kindness.”

The leadership team of Cheryl Baughman, Sue Chandler, Suzanne Gordon, Stacey LeMay, Ruth Mandrell and Lynda Kizer want to thank this amazing congregation for their support and generosity that made our first dinner on June 7th a good success.  We had 10 guests who came, enjoyed a delicious meal, some take home and lots of hospitality from the volunteers.

You also provided the church with donations of silverware and we now have plenty of knives and forks for the church to use.  And our call for volunteers was filled immediately with more than enough help for this first dinner.  Some helped set up and decorate; some served as greeters at the door; some served as Table Hosts; some served the buffet line; some baked cookies and brownies and some (the hardest working) served as cooks in the kitchen and on the clean up crew.

All were told to not plan on eating as we might have a full house, but instead we were able to serve all of the volunteers that evening.  And nearly everyone wants to help again in September.

The following is a list of the volunteers, not counting the leadership team.

Hedy Lemieux, Jeff Russell, Susie Russell, Kate Russell, Steve Mandrell, Jim Kizer, Bonnie Kellogg, Charles Kellogg, Sue Cloughen, Matt Cloughen, Jim Osterholf, Marilyn Osterholf, Deb Venrick, Dee Getzinger, Kathryn Benson, Lindsey Ervin, Linda Griffith, Gary Griffith, Ann Peterson, Nancy Heaney, Cathy Graves, Deb Graham, Janice Fagan, Barb Biner, Karen Ervin, Don Coate, Diane Cannizzaro, Betty Anderson, Mary Doner, Adonna Hipple.

The leftover food was donated or sold.  Some was put into individual freezer/microwave containers and put in our church freezer to be given out to people in need of a meal.  The leftover chicken was sold to volunteers and the leftover lemonade and desserts were donated to Hospitality and VBS.  The unopened bag of lettuce and the fresh fruit was donated to Meals on Wheels.  So all of the food was used!!

We have money and supplies left in the budget for our next dinner on September 13th.  And are hopeful that this church with God’s help will be able to provide monthly free community dinners in 2017.

Thanks Be to God and this church for this successful event.

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