Church Wide Serve Days

This is a wonderful opportunity for the whole congregation. Every year the youth group partners with Jeffco Action Center to help distribute school supplies. We have done this for the last 3 years and this year we would like you to come with us.  We will be helping families and kids pick out their backpacks and fill it with supplies. 


Every year we watch hundreds of families come each day. They all come from different walks of life. However, they all have one thing in common, school supplies needed for their kids. It is incredibly disheartening for students to walk in on the first day and feel unprepared. And the Action Center wants to make sure families don’t have to make the decision between feeding their family or buying school supplies. And for many, this is the reality of their choice, food or supplies. 


Supplies have already been collected and sorted. We will have the fun and awesome opportunity to pass them out to families and kids! They will get to pick their backpack and have it full of supplies before they leave. 


You are all welcome to join with the youth group serving on August 9 and 11. Make sure to contact the main office or e-mail Allie Atchison (youth director) at if you would like to come with us. It’s going to be a great day of serving together.